Social Vulnerability
Switch to an SVI variable
| Composite of Themes |
Composite social vulnerability, sum (SPL_THEMES)
Composite social vulnerability, percentile (RPL_THEMES)
| Theme 1: Socioeconomic Status |
Composite: theme 1, sum (SPL_THEME1)
Composite: theme 1, percentile (RPL_THEME1)
Percentage below 150% poverty (EPL_POV150)
Unemployment (E_UNEMP)
Unemployment, percentile (EPL_UNEMP)
Single parent household (E_SNGPNT)
Housing Burdened Lower-Income (E_HBURD)
Housing Burdened Lower-Income, percentile (EPL_HBURD)
Crowded Households (E_CROWD)
Lack of Health Insurance (E_UNINSUR)
Lack of Broadband Access, percentage (EP_NOINT)
| Theme 2: Household Characteristics |
Composite: theme 2, sum (SPL_THEME2)
Composite: theme 2, percentile (RPL_THEME2)
Age 65 and Older (EP_AGE65)
Age 17 and Younger (E_AGE17)
Civilian with a Disability (EPL_DISABL)
No Vehicle Estimate (E_NOVEH)
Speaks English "Less than Well" (E_LIMENG)
| Theme 3: Racial/Ethnic Minority Status |
Composite: theme 3, sum (SPL_THEME3)
Composite: theme 3, percentile (RPL_THEME3)
Minority Status, percentile (EPL_MINRTY)
Percentile of persons of two or more races (EP_TWOMORE)
African American population, percentage (EP_AFAM)
Asian population (EP_ASIAN)
Hispanic or Latino population (EP_HISP)
| Theme 4: Housing Type & Transportation |
Composite: theme 4, sum (SPL_THEME4)
Composite: theme 4, percentile (RPL_THEME4)
Group Quarters, percentile (EPL_GROUPQ)
Housing Structures with 10+ Units, percentile (EPL_MUNIT)
Mobile Homes, percentile (EPL_MOBILE)
Environmental Justice
Switch to an EJI variable
| Composite of Themes |
Composite env. justice index, sum (SPL_EJI)
Composite env. justice index, percentile (RPL_EJI)
Ranking of environmental burdens (RPL_EBM)
| Theme 1: Air Pollution |
Composite: air pollution, sum (SPL_EBM_THEME1)
Composite: air pollution, percentile (RPL_EBM_DOM1)
Ozone (E_OZONE)
PM2.5 (E_PM)
Diesel Particulate Matter (E_DSLPM)
Air Toxics Cancer Risk (E_TOTCR)
| Theme 2: Potentially Hazardous & Toxic Sites |
Composite: hazardous sites, sum (SPL_EBM_THEME2)
Composite: hazardous sites, percentile (RPL_EBM_DOM2)
National Priority List Sites (E_NPL)
Toxic Release Inventory Sites (E_TRI)
Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Sites (E_TSD)
Risk Management Plan Sites (EPL_RMP)
| Theme 3: Built Environment |
Composite: built environment, sum (SPL_EBM_THEME3)
Composite: built environment, percentile (RPL_EBM_DOM3)
Recreational Parks (E_PARK)
Houses Built Pre-1980 (E_HOUAGE)
| Theme 4: Transportation Infrastructure |
Composite: transport infra, sum (SPL_EBM_THEME4)
Composite: transport infra, percentile (RPL_EBM_DOM4)
High-Volume Roads (E_ROAD)
Railways (E_RAIL)
Airports (E_AIRPRT)
| Theme 5: Water Pollution |
Composite: water pollution, sum (SPL_EBM_THEME5)
Composite: water pollution, percentile (RPL_EBM_DOM5)
Impaired Surface Water (E_IMPWTR)
| Theme 6: Health Vulnerability |
Composite: health vulnerability, sum (SPL_SVM)
Composite: health vulnerability, percentile (RPL_SVM)
Cancer (EP_CANCER)
National Avg.
Data Center
Data Centers
Year Established
Color Scheme
Facilities By State